What is Induction Heating?
Induction heating equipment made in Wisconsin involves heating an electrically conductive material, such as copper or steel, by using controlled radio frequency (RF) energy to create an electrical current within the object. Unlike other heating methods that rely on an external heat source to heat material, induction heating circulates electrical currents to generate heat from within the object itself. Products that are induction heated use thermal conduction to quickly and evenly transfer the heat from the surface to the object to its core. The induction heating process ultimately strengthens a material to its optimum physical condition to best meet its intended use.
The induction heating process is used to:
The Advantages of Induction Heating
There are cost saving, material and environmental advantages in the induction heating process as opposed to more traditional heating methods, such as electric or gas furnaces, and liquid salt baths that use convection and radiation.
Questions about induction heating or the induction heating process? Contact Power Parts International today.